Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Shoot-Out: Colors of the Rainbow

So if you're not familiar with this, read about here.

Didn't get out too much this week, will have to do a bit more for next week.
Moving on - here's what we got. Most of these are from nursery / winery we stop at usually around this time every year when their enormous field of day-lilies are starting to bloom.

You can take a golf cart to drive in between the rows of flowers - they're not all quite in bloom but pretty close (they did have one year that a few deer ate all the blooms in just a few days - I'm not sure what they did to prevent that from happening - we did see one deer wandering around)

I'll throw in a little gold

The little town festival going on this weekend

And in other news - the girls have gone now a week pretty much sleeping from 10 until 5:30.
Now I just have to figure out how to do that.

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