Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Shoot-Out Metal

Ok so via a few blogs (here and here) I came across this. Sounded interesting and at least if for nothing else, gives me a chance to play with the new camera and features beyond just point and click (well eventually). The rough idea is to show off "your" town and just to take some pics. I'm not a photographer but figured I'd give it a shot (and crud that is a lousy pun!) So we'll see if I have any creative brain cells or should just stick to the math and science realm. Of course I found the blog yesterday so not much time to find some really cool subject matter.

Remnant from a casting tree in brass (from work)

My mailbox (again never said I was creative but least shows all the trees and such around where we live which is one reason I like the area)

The next two are just for fun - we moved into our current house in the fall of '07. The hubby was going to take over this pink metal chair left by the previous owner to his dad (said he could use it) Well I took the pic in our yard so, um, yeah hasn't quite made it over to his parents house. :)

(and for the light fixture, that has also been idle since we moved in. Old house had no lighting so we bought a few lamps like the one pictured, but the new house has overhead lighting fixtures in every room so not sure what to do with the lamps quite yet.

The gates to my in-law's property

Not a great pic at all but is sort of synonymous with Saint Louis (haha and i couldn't get down to take a picture of the obvious metal Saint Louis landmark, the Arch)

This is on the way to morning coffee - so you go from this type landscape (and biking / walking trails are very common around here- especially the Katy Trail)
to this in a few minutes -
So the peanut gallery is about due for their lunch bottle so more later. At least we have a/c finally.

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